".h($title).""); } function print_header() { global $link_prefix, $link_base, $to_dir; $path_tree = "/"; if ($link_prefix == '/') { $path_tree = link_to('/', '[root]').'/'; } foreach ($to_dir as $level => $dir) { if($dir) { $link = "/"; for ($i = 0; $i <= $level; $i++) { $link .= "$to_dir[$i]/"; } $path_tree .= link_to($link, $dir)."/"; } } header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo " Index of ", h(rtrim($link_base,"/")."/"), "

Index of $path_tree

"; } function nice_size($size) { static $unit = array('B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'); for ($i = 0; $size >= 1000 && $i < count($unit); $i++) { $size /= 1000; } if ($i == 0) { return(sprintf("%d %s", $size, $unit[$i])); } else { return(sprintf("%.2f %s", $size, $unit[$i])); } } function file_rows($files, $is_dir) { global $path, $link_base, $link_prefix; $file_rows = ""; if ($is_dir) { $file_suffix = "/"; if($link_base != $link_prefix) { $file_rows .= "".link_to(dirname($link_base),"..").""; } } else { $file_suffix = ""; } foreach($files as $file) { $file_stat = stat("$path/".$file); $file_rows .= "". link_to("$link_base/".$file, $file.$file_suffix)."". h(strftime("%a %d-%b-%G %H:%M", $file_stat['mtime'])).""; if ($is_dir) { $file_rows .= "[dir]"; } else { $file_rows .= nice_size($file_stat['size']); } $file_rows .= ""; } return $file_rows; } function print_list() { global $dirs, $files; echo "", "", "", "", "", "", file_rows($dirs, true), file_rows($files, false), "", "
"; } function print_footer() { echo ""; } print_header(); print_list(); print_footer(); ?>